Reflective Post 4

Three most important concepts, ideas, or issues

UI option is the first thing that I think is the most important. Because I am a computer science student, UI design is a very important part in any application and website design. The UI will affect the using experience directly. A good UI can let user find anything they need easily through the interface. But a bad or complex UI will make users feel confused when they try to use the tool. Therefore, a good UI can help users use learning tools easily and save time.

Security architecture is the second thing that I think the most important. Internet security is a big problem now. Like we learned in this course at the beginning of the semester. It is very easy for others to know or get our personal information from Internet. And our accounts and personal information are in danger when we use them online. So, security architecture is essential to protect these information.

Feedback tool is the final thing that I think is the most important. The knowledge need to be updated with the time passing by. For example, I use Python 2.7 in the first two years of university and Python 3.0 in the last two years. They do not have big differences but Python 3.0 makes some codes be more simple and changes and deletes some formulas. When I want to use these changed formulas, the feedback tool is important. I can learn how to use them and what bugs will be caused from the feedback tool. In addition, the mistakes need to be reported immdiately. This will make the website be more accurate.

Two concepts, issues, or ideas that I have difficulty understanding

Sonification framework is the first ideas that I confused about. I know sonification of learning materials is helpful and essential for some people. But I don’t think we can sonificate everything. Especially, some complex graphs are hard to be sonificated. And I check the demo of Floe Sonification. It will include the graph. But it is hard to make it come true. Additionally, format conversion of files may cause some problems. I think it is easy to lost something during this process. I confuse about how to do the sonification. It needs people to check every file and this will cost bunch of time.

EPUB 3 is the second concept that I confused about. I know that EPUB is an ebook format which is a container for web content that can be distributed as a whole and interpreted by supporting EPUB reader systems. And it is more powerful than HTML5. But I think I use HTML5 materials more frequently than EPUB in my daily life. So, I don’t understand why EPUB 3 is more important.


How to upload your learning files and make the file be more accurate?

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